
please Note, that there is an unfinished "Multilevel crates" branch the
looks promising:
I like to see it in Mixxx and it should fit to Joan's proposal.

Kind regards,


2016-04-05 0:42 GMT+02:00 <re-cy...@hushmail.com>:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, 04 Apr 2016 16:35:55 -0100 "Joan Marcè i Igual"
> <j.marce.ig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi RAWRR,
> >
> >Thank you for your suggestions.
> >
> >When you talk about the Browse PC view you refer to porting the
> >the
> >advantage of using folders elsewhere in the library. Do you mean
> >by this
> >adding also the folders feature to the current library and
> >allowing the
> >user to
> >set the tracks on "virtual" folders only existing in Mixxx? Do you
> >think
> >it can be a bit confusing for the final user having also the
> >Clementine look
> >like sort (v.0.1.2)?
> >
> Yes I agree confusion is possible, or even likely if the UI is not
> arranged just right. I think you might be uncertain if I mean
> adding a direct view of local filesystem to your v0.1.2 section.
> No, that isn't my suggestion. It seems like you may have a kind of
> virtual folders already suggested and local view and virtual view
> are not both necessary in the same section.
> So there are two fundamental UI perspectives here. one is the idea
> of sorting, the other is the idea of containing, and they are not
> the same workflow.
> In the case of sorting we presumably have a potentially enormous
> list, and the current "sort by column" allows the user to "clump"
> groups of tracks according to categories.
> In the case of containing, more or less that means folders; they
> can be called crates or playlists or virtual folders, it doesn't
> change the fact that they function in the Mixxx UI as a kind of
> directory. So these directories can be virtual (crates or
> playlists, or autogenerated according to categories, whatever) or
> they can be a direct view of existing structure in a user's local
> filesystem, but they are ways to isolate tracks in a container and
> thereby abbreviate the list a DJ must scroll through to grab what
> they need.
> I'm a little confused at v0.1.2 by the wording and accompanying
> image: "the view has two modelers one for the menu (Library,
> Autodj, iTunes...) and other for the songs" - I can't see in the
> diagram where "menu" is. But what I do see seems to suggest you
> already have an implementation of virtual folders envisioned (re:
> above "autogenerated according to categories").
> As long as we have a tree of folders/crates/directories - visual
> containers, in other words - I think that works, so long as each of
> these containers have all the columns and options the current main
> Library view has, meaning easter egg, Preview, Year, BPM, etc..
> Currently Browse View is the only View that allows in Mixxx any
> visualization of tracks by "container", and this Browse View lacks
> some of main Library's features. This is the problem that inspired
> the two bugs cited.
> >
> >I like your "lasso (rubber band) select in library" and it can be
> >very
> >useful also,
> >the scrollbars "midi-scriptable" will be very useful but I think
> >that it's
> >beyond this project.
> >
> So rubberband select is a yes? If so, great! I understand re:
> scrollbars.
> >
> >I've been playing a bit with skins and I think that splitting the
> >library
> >view into a set of
> >widgets can give the skin designer a lot of freedom. Currently the
> >skin
> >supports tags
> >for *LibrarySidebar*, *SearchBox*, *CoverArt*, and the *Library*
> >itself, in
> >my opinion the
> >State / Progress / Controls widget can also be separated (in a
> >*LibraryControls* tag
> >for example). To allow the skin designer to play with this we can
> >separate
> >the
> >*LibrarySidebar* tag in different tags: *LibrarySidebarButtons*
> >and
> >*LibrarySidebarMenu*,
> >the first one will contain the main buttons (Library, Notes,
> >AutoDJ) and
> >the second one
> >will contain the sub-menus for every item (Library Tree (legacy),
> >Crates,
> >Playlists
> >for the Library item).
> >
> I mainly want to see the thought of others on these items.
> >
> >I like your colored line idea maybe we can allow the skin designer
> >to set a
> >border color
> >when creating widget groups.
> >
> Sounds good. Basically I mean either a colored border that
> surrounds both a tab and its children, or a colored line that leads
> from a tab to its children.
> >
> >What do you think about times? Will be enough time to do the
> >rubber band
> >select?
> >
> I do feel that at a minimum your new code should support this
> feature's future place, because I'm not sure how well the current
> Library code does. But I'd hate to sabotage your schedule with my
> old feature request. I guess this is another item I hope others
> will vote on.
> >
> >What others think?
> >
> >I've added all of this to this bug thread (
> >https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/986704)
> >
> >On Mon, 4 Apr 2016 at 09:45 <re-cy...@hushmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> I keep track of my own bugs and those I subscribe to best, so
> >here
> >> are a few relevant ones juxtaposed with observations and
> >> suggestions:
> >>
> >> - - Library view v0.1.2 -
> >>
> >> This more or less offers a solution to "request filter system in
> >> browser on i.e. genre tag"
> >> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/671630). Great! Your
> >designs
> >> seem more or less satisfactory.
> >>
> >> - - Browse PC view v.0.3 -
> >>
> >> My concerns are:
> >>
> >> "option to subdivide Library tracks into virtual folders"
> >> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1228789)
> >>
> >> and "Add Preview column in Browse, and External Libraries views"
> >> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1160525)
> >>
> >> The arguments are provided at the bugs, but a synopsis is that I
> >> strongly feel that large collections are well served by being
> >> sorted into folders. My preference is to create folders by
> >artist,
> >> but others might prefer genre or something else. Browse view
> >> currently allows a Mixxx user to browse their files by whatever
> >> structure they have crafted in their local filesystem.
> >>
> >> I'm all for relegating the Browse view to an impromptu discovery
> >> tool, but only if its current advantage of using folders is
> >ported
> >> elsewhere in the Library.
> >>
> >> Two more items:
> >>
> >> I'd like to ask what you think of "lasso (rubber band) select in
> >> library" (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1093598). For
> >> adding swaths of tracks to either AutoDJ, Analyze, Playlists, or
> >> Crates, rubberband select can't be beat, and is far and away
> >> superior to ctrl+clicking groups of tracks.
> >>
> >> The other is "all scrollbars midi-scriptable"
> >> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1463677). Many
> >controllers
> >> have a browse rotary dial with push toggle, for browsing
> >libraries.
> >> It only works currently in Mixxx if the user selects a track
> >> explicitly, at which point the browse knob can do some
> >scrolling.
> >> It takes way too many steps to get to that function and making
> >the
> >> scrollbars scriptable would clean this up considerably.
> >>
> >> Lastly, I've looked over the entire proposal with an eye toward
> >> eventual touch features, and really the only thing I can find
> >that
> >> might cause problems are Library view v0.2.0 (v0.1.1), wherein
> >> right-clicking is discussed, an awkward requirement in touch
> >> interfaces, but this is a larger issue throughout the project
> >and
> >> in this case there are alternative routes to the same result so
> >it
> >> should be ok. Other than this nitpick, I'm a little worried
> >about
> >> treeview at all for touch devices as treeviews typically favor
> >> small (read: not finger size) controls for collapsing and
> >expanding
> >> the tree. This again is a problem which already exists (if it
> >can
> >> be agreed it is a problem at all) and not something Joan's
> >proposal
> >> introduces. Still, it ears mentioning that facility which relies
> >on
> >> treeview probably won't work elegantly for eventual touch
> >workflow.
> >>
> >> The only aesthetic complaint I have is that subdividing the
> >Library
> >> into too many sections starts to look like some kind of fractal,
> >> with smaller and smaller nested fields; it can devolve into a
> >soup
> >> of confusing rectangles. There needs to be a way that the
> >hierarchy
> >> of parents is unmistakable, in other words, what object on the
> >left
> >> is responsible for any given rectangle on the right. Perhaps a
> >> color trace (a colored line) or shared highlight color, flowing
> >> from a tab to its boxes?
> >>
> >> All in all, it looks like a solid apprehension of our needs,
> >with
> >> only a few loose ends. Thanks for the effort and vision, Joan!
> >>
> >> RAWRR
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, 03 Apr 2016 06:59:12 -0100 "Daniel Schürmann"
> >> <dasch...@mixxx.org> wrote:
> >> >Hi skin artists,
> >> >
> >> >IMHO Joan's proposals, will work good together with various
> >future
> >> >Mixxx
> >> >features.
> >> >But how about the beauty?
> >> >
> >> >Are there special demands, he has to consider to work smoothly
> >> >with all
> >> >sorts of skins and design aspects?
> >> >
> >> >Which part might become an independent widget?
> >> >
> >> >If Mixxx will have a touch or a radio skin, will it still work?
> >> >
> >> >Does anyone have a cool idea to make the library look modern?
> >> >
> >> >Thank you for comments.
> >> >
> >> >Kind regards, Daniel
> >> >Am 02.04.2016 6:35 nachm. schrieb "Joan Marcè i Igual" <
> >> >j.marce.ig...@gmail.com>:
> >> >
> >> >> Hello,
> >> >> I am Joan and I am currently at my third year of engineering
> >in
> >> >Computer
> >> >> Science and Mechanical Engineering at UPC, Barcelona.
> >> >> I applied for GSoC under Mixxx for a Library Layout Redesign.
> >> >> The idea is to change the current Qt TreeView (at the left of
> >> >the library)
> >> >> to buttons at the left allowing more space in the view,
> >change
> >> >the playlist
> >> >> view, change the current library view and (if there's enough
> >> >time) add a
> >> >> Browse PC view where the user can select songs directly from
> >a
> >> >PC folder.
> >> >> The project will split developed in different releases with a
> >> >new release
> >> >> every two weeks.
> >> >> You can see all the info in the proposal document (
> >> >>
> >>
> >>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HaZ5s7PKmE73LacEGbxRJy9LIKi0ZF
> >b
> >> >Z-emdSQ1m68o/edit?usp=sharing).
> >> >> Also I include the mock-up of the proposed redesign.
> >> >>
> >> >> I will be waiting your feedback.
> >> >>
> >> >> Regards,
> >> >> Joan Marce
> >> >>
> >> >>
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> >> >> Get Mixxx, the #1 Free MP3 DJ Mixing software Today
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> >> >>
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