Thanks for clarifying what occurred last year.

Yes, we need to make sure we do not accept students who will fail. There 
is no need for Mixxx to fill a specific number of spots, so there should 
not be any students accepted in a hurry. Perhaps accepting only one 
project is too limiting, but I think three is too much. Maybe we could 
accept a maximum of two students per year. If there is only one 
applicant who seems like they will follow through on getting code 
merged, we do not need to accept a second applicant just to fill the spot.

That is an interesting point that it doesn't matter much if a student is 
in it for the money if the community gets something positive out of it 
at the end. Requiring smaller PRs with community review would help with 

On 01/16/2017 01:42 PM, Ferran Pujol Camins wrote:
> Of three students:
>   * One failed.
>   * The second one did quite a good job. Code was not merged by the end
>     of GSOC. He quit soon after we gave him the pass grade. (I'll send
>     him an email to see if I can make him come back :) )
>   * The other one did quite a good job. Code was not merged by the end
>     of GSOC. Still active in the community.
> I think it's easy to encounter students like 2), and that's just because
> the pay is tempting. I think this is inevitable and you only know the
> student is not going to contribute anymore once GSOC is over. I'm with
> you: if code is merged, is not so bad if a student does not become a
> regular contributor. However, limiting ourselves to take only one
> student decreases the chances to find a student like 3).
> What we sure need to handle better is students like 1). AFAIK he was
> recruited somehow in a hurry. Maybe we should demand stronger
> applications to really tell apart students that are there only for the pay.
> 2017-01-16 19:48 GMT+01:00 Be < <>>:
>     I have been thinking lately about how few Google Summer of Code projects
>     have been merged into Mixxx. When projects are not merged, in my opinion
>     this has a net negative impact on Mixxx because the time the mentor and
>     other contributors spent is wasted. I think we need to change how we
>     approach GSoC for it to have a net positive impact on Mixxx.
>     I think we have been selecting too many projects each year. Perhaps we
>     could have more success with GSoC if we only accept one project per
>     year. This would let the mentor and the community focus more and
>     hopefully raise the chance that there is code to merge at the end of the
>     internship. Personally, I found it overwhelming to keep up with the
>     different projects last summer, so I didn't pay much attention to how
>     they were going until one was ready for review. If the community is more
>     involved throughout the whole process, I think the community will be
>     more invested in ensuring that something gets merged. Also, the
>     community will have more opportunity to shape the direction of the
>     project early on, which could avoid the need for complicated redesign at
>     the end. This would benefit the student too by giving them more of an
>     experience of collaborating with a distributed, global group of
>     contributors.
>     Another change that could be helpful would be to require small pull
>     requests throughout the internship instead of one big one at the end.
>     This would ensure that at least some progress gets merged and make it
>     easier for the community to continually review the progress.
>     What do you think about the above changes? Do you have any other ideas
>     for how to make GSoC work better for Mixxx?
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