>Could someone explain exactly when and where the NTSC setup (Y'+16)
 >should be added?

The "+16" is not NTSC setup.  It is simply footroom in the Y'CbCr encoding
 scheme for digital pixel data.  NTSC setup is part of the spec for *analog*

 >This much I think I know:
 >For NTSC DV, it is supposed to be added at the final analog output,
 >say at the camera when output to TV.  To get the same effect when

True --- and it's got nothing to do with DV.  The North American NTSC analog
 black level is 7.5 IRE above the blanking level (which is 0 volts).

 >playing on the computer, it needs to be added digitally somewhere in
 >the chain, but preferably near the end.  I've also read repeatedly

False --- setup is not something you see in the digital domain; if the
 computer has an NTSC video output, the hardware will add it.  If not,
 it won't, and doesn't need to.

 >that it should NOT be added before any processing, which makes sense
 >as it pushes Y up against the upper bound.  Despite this, from
 >examining output and the code, it looks as about half the software out
 >there adds the setup.  kino/smil2yuv (by default) and transcode do,
 >lav2yuv and ffmpeg don't (if I recall properly).

Are you talking about the +16 offset/base-level in Y', or NTSC setup?
 Assuming the former, half the software out there is broken, and does not
 properly process Y'CbCr --- either by neglecting the +16, or by doing
 weird things with it.  File bug reports.

 >What I don't know:
 >When converting DV to mpeg2 (for DVD, say), does the setup get added
 >before conversion, after conversion, or never?  Does the DVD player

Never --- DV to MPEG-2 is digital-to-digital, and never had any "setup"
 to begin with.  It always has, however, a black-level of Y'=16.

 >add the setup just like my DV camera would, or does mpeg2 expect to
 >have the setup built it? 

Yes, the DVD player hardware adds the setup if it is correctly configured
 for your TV.

 >                          yuvplay does not add the setup, but should
 >it (or should it be a flag)?

Neither --- it simply hands the (assumed correct) Y'CbCr data over to the
 SDL library.  *That* library needs to correctly convert it to R'G'B' for
 display --- and SDL probably still doesn't do that.

 >I'm starting to understand why everyone hates NTSC...

Except the Japanese, I guess, since Japanese NTSC uses 0v setup (i.e. none).
 I believe there is a dipswitch on the Canopus DVC-100 for setup; if you
 are processing analog material from the US, you would want that set to
 "Yes, setup, please."  It's a question of how the analog signal is
 interpreted; it's all the same once it is digital (thankfully).

-matt m.

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