Hi -

> My statement about obliterating edges is only partly correct.  My

        That's a relief ;)   I've been doing captures and encoding from
        a few laserdiscs I have left (that haven't and likely will never
        be released on DVD) and haven't seen edge obliteration and if there's
        a loss of detail, well - it has been a few too many years since I
        got a new set of glasses (can't believe I've gone 15 years or more
        without breaking the current set! <g>).

        But I do begin to wonder what the commercial outfits can do that
        make DVDs from analog sources look so good (but yes, I've seen
        a lot of transfers that I/we could have done better than!).

> or sporadic noise).  I'm sure it's also a lot faster, since a median
> filter is a simple concept (order the surrounding pixel values and
> take the median) that isn't so simple to code up.

        Actually the current 'yuvmedianfilter' is about equally cpu intensive
        as 'yuvdenoise' - it'll pretty much eat as much cpu as it can get.

> I was using the filter on high-noise inputs with too low of a
> threshold, and so it resorted to averaging most of the time.

        Ah, I've been using a higher threshold that's a lot higher than the
        default of 2.    Seems better values start  around 4.    Uh, whatever
        you do don't bump up the radius too much because "-r 4" is painfully

> Previously I had used it after yuvdenoise had removed most of the
> gaussian noise, and that worked out a lot better.

        Yep - that works well indeed.  I run the data thru a moderate 
        denoising ("-t 6 -l 2" or perhaps even just "-t 6 -l 1") for decent
        material and more aggressive settings ("-t 5 -l 3") for ~VHS style
        material.   Then it's off to 'yuvmedianfilter'.

        Uh, it is a bit sluggish - the pipeline looks something like this:

                smil2yuv -i 2 foo.smil  | 
                  y4mscaler -O sar=src -O chromass=420_MPEG2 |
                  y4mshift -n 4 |
                  yuvdenoise -S 0 -r 24 -t 6 -l 2 -b a,b,c,d |
                  y4mscaler -O sar=src -O size=704x480 |
                  yuvmedianfilter -t 4 -T 0 |
                  mpeg2enc -f 8 -4 2 -2 1 -q 4 -Q 1.0 -o foo.m2v

        the first y4mscaler is to convert from 4:1:1 to 4:2:0 in the YUV4MPEG2
        format, the second y4mscaler takes the center 704 pixels from the frame
        (704x480 is a valid DVD resolution.   To yuvdenoise the a,b,c,d turn
        to black the borders that vary in size depending on the quality of
        the source material and 'y4mshift' (my creation) centers the data
        within the frame (varies a lot depending on the original source).

        y4mscaler's 4:1:1 -> YUV4MPEG2 conversion is superior and doesn't
        take too much cpu time (~5%) and that's why the 'smil2yuv -i2 " and
        the first y4mscaler stages are used.

        Despite all that I can still get between 4 and 5 frames per second
        as the final encoding rate.   Dual P4/Xeon systems are a Good Thing :-)

> I may hunt around for a true median filter code, just to see what that
> might do.

        I did a quick Google search on medianfilter.   Too bad my German
        is so limited - seems most of the interesting research requires
        more than "restaurant German" to read ;)

        Oh, might as well toss ina bit of advice for the Canopus ADVC-100
        users that live in the US (where the 7.5IRE setup is used) - turn
        switch 2 ON!   Blacks finally look more, well, black.

        Steven Schultz

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