On Thu, 22 Jan 2004, Nicolas Boos wrote:

> >     That's what yuvdenoise is for :)
> For "big" noise only... :-)

        As in "VHS" ;)

> Yes, but a _clean_ source is rare... If source is noisy (even a

        DV (from miniDV or Digital8) is very clean.   DVDs are clean, at least
        for the better DVDs (part of the remastering process is to denoise
        the original material during the transfer to digital).

> little) then preserving detail is also preserving noise, right ?

        The other side of that is "removing noise is removing detail".   Some
        times given a choice between a little noise and softening/blurring
        the movie I'd rather have more detail.

> And it's faster with the cubic kernel... :-)

        Scaling rarely takes more than a few percent of a cpu (but then that's
        an Athlon 2800MP ;)) so it's never been a bottleneck that I've seen.

        On the other hand scaling has become a relatively infrequent 
        activity because the data is already at the right size for DVD 
        creation ;)

        Steven Schultz

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