
I think you and Romildo are suffering from similar problems.  (And I 
 just got Romildo's post, too --- the re-ordering and delays on the
 Sourceforge lists are really crazy these days.)

 >>  >I tried to use some automatic guesses from y4mscaler, but they did not
 >>  >do what's IMHO right.
 >>  a)  What is the sample aspect ratio of your source stream?

This is the *display* aspect ratio, not the *sample* aspect ratio (also
 known as the pixel aspect ratio).

y4mscaler needs to know the shape of the pixels to do anything useful.
 I have an item on my TODO list, "Think about adding a 'dar=' option",
 which would allow specifying the DAR instead of the SAR --- but this
 is not as simple as it sounds at first glance.  The problem is that
 most of the time, the DAR is a 'suggestion' rather than a reliable
 exact value.  For example, 720x480 streams from DV and DVD which are
 "4:3" are actually slightly wider than 4:3.

My best suggestion right now is to check out
 and then calculate the SAR of these streams by hand and give that
 to y4mscaler via "-I sar=W:H".

 >> I didn't see "10/11" anywhere in your calculations, which leads me to
 >>  think that the bug probably belongs to you, not y4mscaler.  :)
 >I don't know about "10/11", but I know, that if my source is 640x352,
 >then I don't want an active source area that is smaller. Also, I want a 
 >full letterboxed NTSC frame as result. This is what I tried:

Thomas:  352 is a strange vertical size --- I would guess that this
 was cropped from a 640x480 stream, and then I would guess that the
 SAR was good old 1:1.

Romildo:  544x304 is a very strange framesize.  You say it should
 have roughly a 4:3 display aspect ratio?  Hmm... then it seems like
 it has roughly a 3:4 pixel aspect ratio.  Not a common SAR.

(It's a shame that mplayer isn't suppling the SAR to y4mscaler in the
 stream header --- but maybe it doesn't really know either.)

Please tell me if this all works out for you guys.
-matt m.

ps:  Thomas, about the bounces:  It turns out it was actually the
     mir.com server rejecting mail from *your* server.  One of the
     servers that your email is routed through is listed as an
     open multi-hop relay (meaning that it is relaying mail for
     some other machine which is an open relay).  Maybe it is not
     good to reject multi-hop open relays (I'm thinking it over),
     but maybe you might also want to complain to your service

 >    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
 >     (reason: 550-http://dsbl.org/listing?ip=
 >    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
 >... while talking to mailhost.mir.com.: is the "bad" server in the chain...

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