
I have now experimented a lot. The results were rather surprising for me.

I am using the edit tab of LVS only because my hardware is much to slow for 
capturing in the GUI.

Here is what I got in the edit tab:
- With all the video extensions loaded into the xserver: Playing the video 
gives only colored lines.
- Effect windows seem to work. The picture looks strange: Instead of dark 
colours, white pixels are displayed. Loosely spoken, black is represented as 
white while gray (and colored) tones are displayed correctly.
- Removing the XVideo extension from the server makes the play window working. 
I have 6 modules loaded. It is exactly extmod and v4l which much be disabled.

Are there any hints?



Hardware: NVidia GeForce 2 MX, Athlon 1200 (the old one)
Software: Stock SuSE Linux 9.0, XFree, nvidia or nv driver, mjpegtools 
1.6.2 (BTW: great work!!), lvs 0.1.7 (with my modifications)

On Monday 02 February 2004 17.22, you wrote:
> Hallo
> > Recently I updated my old system to a recent SuSE 9.0. Unfortunately,
> > Linux Video Studio does not work any longer.
> >
> > I was building the mjpeg tools without any problems. They work
> > as they should. I can record (lavrec) and play the material (lavplay,
> > glav). When trying to edit the footprint in LVS, the preview window
> > remains black while the scene list is ok. The same happens in the effect
> > windows.
> That sounds like  in your studio config file, the default xv port is
> wrong. Start LVS and probe for aviabel ports (-t), and set then in a
> second step the new port when starting the next time (-p num)
> Or delete the line containing "default_port" from your studio config
> file.
> Some output from the startup with -v 2 would also help.
Here you'll find the output of "studio -d 2":
It does not contain any anomalies as far as I can see.

> > Are there any known issues? My graphic card is a GForce 2 MX. The
> > behavior with both the nv driver (from XFree) and the nvidia driver (from
> > NVidia) are the same. What can I do?
> In you X11 config you load a v4l, module ?
Surprisingly enough, loading the v4l module is the source of the trouble.


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