
> > > So then I tried to put together a command for jpeg-yuv, like this
> > > jpeg2yuv -f 25 -I p -L 1 -j image%02.jpg
> > > but there doesn't seem to be an output filename?
> >
> > You want as output a mjpeg encoded avi/mov or do you want a mpeg video ?
> > You have to pipe the yuv output to a other programm like mpeg2enc or
> > yuv2lav.
> >
> I had intended putting all the image avis into one larger avi and dealing with
> the transitions etc before blending it into the long avi.  However, I
> couldn't work that out from the CLI.  I did manage to combine the images into
> one list using LVS however.
When you have created the bend's you should have several bends and some
longer part, you can encoded them together in a single step:
lav2yuv bend1.avi longer1.eli bend2.avi longer2.eli bend3.avi .... |

> What I then discovered was that lavplay could not play the file, as the images
> were too large.  I think that tomorrow I need to look at yuvscaler to sort
> that out.
> The blending of pairs of images worked well, I thought, but it would be nice
> to fade out the last image.  Is there any way of doing that?
The there is a patch from Michael Hanke that allowes to do that
directly. But that patch needs to be included into the CVS of LVS.
Currently you can work arround that creating a video from a black image
and do a transition to that video.

> I do feel that I'm making progress.  The man pages are generally very helpful,
> but sometimes I haven't exactly understood what was needed, so had to ask for
> clarification.  I'll keep everything at the avi stage until I have sorted the
> fade and blends.  Thanks for all the help.  I'll let you know how I get on
> tomorrow.
Usually there is no need of mergin together the short parts into one
larger. With AVI you also have the 2GB filesize limit. 

> The main video has its sound attached.  The coda to be added will need to be 
> mplexed with some music.  I need to think about the order that this needs to 
> be done.  To mplex I must first have an mpeg, I think?  If that's so, is it 
> possible to combine the result of that with the original footage?
The simplest solution will be to create silence. If you have a file
without sound, lav2wav is able to produce slience with the -r/-R option.
I'm not soure if that option is aviable in the 1.6.2 version. But you
find this option described in the manpage. 

There is a differnet solution if you don't have the -r/-R option, to cat
a certain amount of 00 from /dev/null and pipe them into mp2enc. You
should find that in mjpeg-users mailinglist archive. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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