On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Lehmeier Michael wrote:
> I record from a TV card with the following command:
> mencoder -tv driver=v4l2:input=3:adevice=/dev/dsp:forceaudio tv:// -ovc
> lavc -oac pcm -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=3000:keyint=50 -endpos
> 700mb -vf pp=lb -o out.avi
> As a test I tried the following line:
> lav2yuv out.avi | yuvscaler -O VCD | mpeg2enc -s -o mpg.mpg

lav2yuv only works on mjpeg avi files, it can't do other codecs like mpeg4.

You need to use mplayer to generate the yuv4mpeg stream from the avi.

mkpipe stream.yuv
mplayer -vo yuv4mpeg:aspect=59/54 -nosound -benchmark -vf scale=352:288 out.avi
mpeg2enc -s -f 1 -o out.mpv < stream.yuv

This will send yuv4mpeg output from mplayer into a pipe, which mpeg2enc will
then read.  This way you don't need the HUGE yuv file on disk.  The scaler in
mplayer is much much faster than yuvscaler, so use it with -vf scale and avoid
calling yuvscaler.  The aspect override requires a patch to mplayer that the
mplayer people won't accept, so you'll probably want to omit it.  Use the -n p
-a 2 options in mpeg2enc to override the incorrect aspect info mplayer emits.

To encode the audio, I've been doing this:

mencoder -ovc frameno -oac toolame -toolameopts br=224 -o out.mpa.avi out.avi
mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile out.mpa out.mpa.avi
rm out.mpa.avi

You can use lavc instead of toolame, but I've heard toolame is suposed to be
better quality, while lavc is about twice as fast.  You could always encoder to
mp2 when you capture your tv program, instead of using pcm, if you have enough
cpu for it.

It seems that mencoder will only output an avi file, so you have to write an avi
with the mpeg audio, then use mplayer to dump the audio out of the avi file.
Once you have the mpa and mpv MPEG-ES files, you multiplex them a MPEG-PS file
with mplex, and then that can be mastered into a vcd image with vcdimager.

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