
I recorded some movies from my DC10 using lavrec. The input media is an
analog camcorder connected with a S-VHS cable.

I used the following command line:
lavrec -f a -i P -l 100 -R m -d 1 record.avi

Is there better options that I should type in order to get the best

Moreover, the command line which I used produced an .avi file which I
could no import into Cinelerra... I had to use lavtrans to convert it
into a .mpeg2 format. That's the command line I used:

nice -19 lav2yuv stunt.avi | y4mshift -n -2 | yuvscaler -I
USE_744x560+12+8 -O DVD -M BICUBIC | yuvdenoise -F | yuvmedianfilter -T
3 | mpeg2enc -f 3 -b 15000 -a 2 -I 0 -q 2 -o stunt.mpeg2

Since you use mjpegtools since a long long time, could you give me the
options you use now?

Have a nice day!
Nicolas, Paris.

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