On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 10:13:01AM +0100, Martin Samuelsson wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:20:56 +0100
> Bernhard Praschinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lavtools, avilib, or something, likes to write an empty RIFF header
> when beginning and recording an avi file. If there is a sudden or
> unexpected crash, the header tends to remain empty, as it is one of
> the very last things to be written when lavrec exits.
> > I have no idea how to generate a AVI header. Maybe you find
> > something in the mailinglist archive.
> If one's determined to make a broken file work, one could modify
> and use the header from another file in the batch. You'd have to
> read up on the RIFF specs (easy, really) and manually go through
> some tedious calculations, but it certainly is possible.
> /Sam

Actually, it's not that tedious, and no calculations are needed, at
least to get enough of a header to make one of the "lav" programs
(lav2yuv for example) to read the file.  I did it several times
myself when I would have a recording crash (or more likely the box
crash, the initial system I was using turned out to be not that

I don't remember the exact value, but all that was needed was to copy
either the first 128 or first 256 or first 512 bytes from a working
.avi file on top of the front end of the non-working .avi file.  I
usually did the "swap" with judicious use of dd for spliting headers
and bodys apart, and a simple cat to combine a working header with the
otherwise non-working body.

The source .avi for the working header needs to be the same settings
(resulution/etc.).  Since I usually had multiple files from a single
recording session, I simply extracted a header from another .avi
recorded in the same session.

If one has only one single .avi, it's much more difficult.  Making
another test recording with the same resolution settings in theory
should work, but I never had the need to create a header, since I
just picked one up that was working in another file.

However, the resulting file, while working enough to recover the
data, does not work perfectly.  Lav2yuv would "process" on the file
for a real long time before outputting anything.  I suspect it was
reading through the whole file for some reason before outputting

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