Until a couple of weeks ago my computer wasn't fast enough to record
from a TV source and encode with mpeg2enc at the same time.

Now I want to do this but have a problem.

I record the video directly from my video card like this:
mplayer -vo yuv4mpeg -nosound -tv driver=v4l2:input=3:adevice=/dev/dsp
-vf pp=lb,scale=352:288 tv:// &
cat stream.yuv | mpeg2enc -f 8 -o video.m1v

No problem here.
Then I record the audio input like this:
arecord -f dat audio.wav

The problem: audio.wav is then only raw audio. mp2enc doesn't handle raw
audio AFAIK.
Right now I solve the problem by replaying the audio.wav file, but that
is a very annoying procedure.
What I want is to directly pipe the raw WAV output from arecord to

Is this possible?
And if not, is there an mp2 encoder that can?
(lame only produces mp3 output, doesn't it?)


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