
> Last week I installed mjpegtools under Fedora Core 4 for the first time.  I
> had a list of the modules that I had previously required, so I modprobed
> them.  All went fine, except the zoran module, which returned a 'not found'
> message, IIRC.  However, the tools are working perfectly, so I have to assume
> that the zoran bit is being handled differently.
So you did use the linux kerne driver ?
Which kernel do you use, and whant command's did you execute ? 

When you load everything by hand you need to load the zr36067 module
(hopefully built). That is the name of the zoran chipset. There is a
different Zoran Chipset for video card's. So you can't use "zoran". 

The command's should look like that:
modprobe vpx3220
modprobe adv7175
modprobe zr36016
modprobe zr36050
modprobe zr36067 default_norm=0 lock_norm=0 pass_through=0 lml33dpath=1
for a DC30. Normaly you should only need to do a modprobe of the zr36067
if the modprobe file is configured correct. I think Ronald has pasted a
sample config once on the mailinglist. 

Unless you want to record from a zoran based card with lavrec you don't
need the kernel dirver to be able to work with the mjpegtools. 

> I'm preparing a presentation for a LUG, so would like to understand better
> what is happening.  Could someone please explain why I had to load it under
> Mandriva, but I don't have to under Fedora?  Is this, perhaps, because
> something is included in later kernels that is not present in earlier ones?
Might be, but you need to give some exact information. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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