Hey Bernhard / Anne,

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 15:22:47 +0200, Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:26:46 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Last week I installed mjpegtools under Fedora Core 4 for the first time.  I
> > had a list of the modules that I had previously required, so I modprobed
> > them.  All went fine, except the zoran module, which returned a 'not found'
> > message, IIRC.  However, the tools are working perfectly, so I have to 
> > assume
> > that the zoran bit is being handled differently.

I'll need dmesg output. Ideally, you'd load zr36067 with debug=4 so I
have a lot of debug output. Also, load videodev.ko before zr36067, I
don't know why, but it sometimes makes a difference (?).

> When you load everything by hand you need to load the zr36067 module
> (hopefully built). That is the name of the zoran chipset. There is a
> different Zoran Chipset for video card's. So you can't use "zoran". 

This is actually crucial, and it sort of sucks that our driver used to
be zoran.o in our CVS, but zr36067.ko in the kernel. C'est la vie...

> The command's should look like that:
> modprobe vpx3220
> modprobe adv7175
> modprobe zr36016
> modprobe zr36050
> modprobe zr36067 default_norm=0 lock_norm=0 pass_through=0 lml33dpath=1
> for a DC30. Normaly you should only need to do a modprobe of the zr36067
> if the modprobe file is configured correct. I think Ronald has pasted a
> sample config once on the mailinglist.

So, what I used is this (in /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modules.conf):

alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 zr36067

After that, starting lavrec or any TV-app (including v4l-config) will
auto-load the modules. Since my X (and all recent Fedora/Mandrake/etc.
distibutions, afaik) detects TV cards (xv/v4l extension) on startup,
this means all drivers are loaded on bootup.
This will work for about half the cards (DC10+ included, but not DC30 or
Buz). The dmesg will tell you the card type could not be detected and
that you have to use the card=X parameter. For those, you'll need an

options zr36067 card=X

where X can be looked up in the FAQ or in the Zoran README included in
Documentation/ in the kernel. All the other options are optional for all
cards. I don't think you need to load zr36050 or any of the i2c modules
before zr36067, zr36067 loads those automagically.
However, if you run the CVS driver uninstalled and use the ./update
script, then the script will pre-load those i2c/codec modules before
loading zr36067, since the modules are not installed in the default path
and therefore i2c/codec module loading from the default path after
autodetection fails (and it would bail out). However, this probably does
not apply to the question Anne is asking.


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