Hi Valentijn,

What's really fascinating about your example is that mapsource will
happily route from A to a point within the tile containing B passing
right past point C. For example, route from A to the end of Plutoniumweg
(damn it, why can't we have funky road names like that instead of
the canonical Acacia Avenue!), but if you move the destination a little
to the S so that it is in the lower tile, it fails to route - see
attached gdb. It's almost as if having traversed B tile it then is
happy to locate a destination in it but, for some reason, it's unhappy
with a destination in C tile.

I can't think at this time what would cause this to happen. It may be a
limitation of the Garmin routing engine and it needs something extra from us
to cope? 



Attachment: plutoniumweg.gdb
Description: Binary data

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