Hi Mark,

> > My Edge 705 calculates a 22.7 km route to Pasila railway station
> > just fine, except that it now seems to favor smaller roads with more
> > intersections.  What do you think, would it be worthwhile to have
> > some middle ground for Table A?  Not one entry per arc nor one entry
> > per way, but an entry per a configureable number or distance of arcs,
> > perhaps?
> Not sure about that but I do think that this warrants some more work to
> try and understand exactly what the constraint is. It's interesting
> that it doesn't appear to have any effect on mapsource (or the etrex,
> as far as I can tell). I don't favour making it configurable because
> then the map makers would need to say what units their maps are
> compatible with. Far simpler to take the hit on map size (and possibly
> routing performance) until we know what's really happening.

I did not really mean user-configurable but a compile-time parameter,
similar to MAX_ARC_LENGTH.

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