Stéphane ALLEMANDI wrote:
> Mark Burton a écrit :
>> Hi Steph,
>>> Thx for your reply Mark,
>>> The road doesn't appear in the .osm file, only in the .img. So I don't 
>>> have everything more on it.
>> Yes, you do, tell us where it is. What are the OSM coodinates
>> (permalink, OSM URL, whatever you care to call it.)
>>> Here are my command line :
>>> java -jar .\mkgmap\mkgmap.jar --gmapsupp --route .\map\mapTravail.osm
>> OK, thanks.
>>> Did I miss something?
>> Don't know yet.
>> Cheers,
>> Mark
>> _______________________________________________
>> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> Hi Mark,
> I've found what was going wrong.
> If it can help somenone...
> It was in the osm map, just a bug with JOSM, not with mkgmap :
> I think that the road has been created then deleted. So it doesn't 
> apperar on JOSM but there still was some lines in the osm file :
> <way id='24552915' action='delete' timestamp='2008-05-26T14:10:17Z' 
> user='encleadus' visible='true' version='1'>
>     <nd ref='266966666' />
>     <nd ref='266967026' />
>     <tag k='highway' v='residential' />
>   </way>
> That was all...
> As I am a beginner with mkgmap, do you confirm that my command line is 
> correct :
> java -jar .\mkgmap\mkgmap.jar --gmapsupp --route .\map\mapTravail.osm
> Thanks for your reactivity and your patience.
> ++
> _______________________________________________

Velentijn Sessink mentioned this problem in a post on 21 July 09, but I 
think his solution will not help you because his patch was for the 
splitter, not mkgmap. If this is valid syntax, then I think mkgmap 
should not process the road.

Your command-line is correct for test maps, but as you get things 
working you should start using other options so your maps have unique 
names and numbers. Observe the command lines used by others on this list 
when they post about problems, and read the documentation. This is just 
one example of a script file I used for a map I made.


if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    java -ea -jar ./mkgmap-1285/mkgmap.jar --mapname=55470011 
--description=SouthAfrica --country-name=SouthAfrica --index 
--country-abbr=SA --family-id=5547 --family-name=SAfr 
--description=SA_RM --overview-mapname=55470010 --remove-short-arcs=5 
--tdbfile --route "$1"
    echo "Usage"
    echo "./ filename"


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