Du Plessis, Bennie wrote:
> Charlie,
> Thanks for your advice
> Charlie> You can use extended labels in your TYP file to hide any labelling.  
> Charlie> In TYPViewer, once you have opened the TYP:
> Charlie> - click on the POI in question and edit it ("modifier")
> Charlie> - set "label amelioré" to "oui" (i.e. extended labels to "yes")
> Charlie> - set "Style de police" to "Pas de label (invisible)"
> Ahh, that is exactly what I tried, although I didn't see it in TYPViewer, but 
> handcopied it from MapTK's results. (that is, doing it in MapTK, save it as 
> TYP, open with TYPViewer to see the result). Might have done something wrong 
> - will try it again now that you gave me the correct french command. 
> Its quite exiting to try and figure out the french!
> Charlie> You can also compile TXT files to TYP using TYPViewer, in case you  
> Charlie> didn't know this.
> "Engegistrer le fichier.typ sous..."  ? Seems to be broken? Or I am.
> I get a overflow error message no 6, and the file saves anyway but is empty.
> Maybe I do something wrong? 
> When trying to open the TYP again: "Erreur inconnue lors de l'ouverture du 
> fichier : erreur n°380   Description: Invalid property value"
> I even tried opening a file and saving it directly, without any editing and 
> it still doesn't work. "l'ouverture" seems to mean something in the file 
> header? I tried to change the FID & product ID to no avail. Maybe there is 
> specific filename expectations? Eg. MapSetToolkit complains if the filename 
> is too long, but I already tried to shorten it for TYPViewer.
That's strange - this option works perfectly for me (Windows Vista). 
Are you running this under Windows or in Wine?  Did you copy all the 
various DLLs etc that accompany TYPViewer into the same directory?

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