From: Marko Mäkelä
>I thought that mkgmap converts all labels to upper case by default.  
>There is an option for overriding that

I think you're right.
On nuvi everything is uppercase.
So it looks like XT only displays the first letter of every word.
e.g. Villa Barcelona Cafe is displayed as V B C on the map and in the search 
Interestingly, you can not search for V B C, but will find V B C when searching 
for Villa Barcelona Cafe. So the complete label is in the device, it is only 
the display that is foreshortened.

I tried the --lower-case option, did not help - XT still shows only the first 
letter of every word.

I am pretty sure this same issue was discussed some time back with other 
devices, but can not find it in the archives. Maybe I was dreaming.

Other info on XT behavior with MkGMap:
   Like nuvi, address search does not work,(ask state iso country)
   (FYI only)

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