Suddenly using the --road-name-pois option breaks my map.
I turned it off to see if it maybe is the cause of the fist letter only
display on mobile XT, which it is not.
When I turned it back on it started breaking my maps.
Previous version 1602 (I have not returned to that yet to validate that
it   still works with my current option configuration)
Current version 1652

options used:
java  -ea -Dlog.config=Logging.txt -Xmx1000m -jar
0 --index^

With the options as above --road-name-pois simply don't work- I think
any options after --input-file is ignored.

When I moved "--road-name-pois:0x2f15" to before --inputfile the map
I changed the spelling to "--road-name-pois=0x2f15", map broken;
Tried "--road-name-pois"  map broken.
Without "--road-name-pois" map works, but I cannot search for streets.

The map is not only broken on MapSource, but even GPSMapEdit reports an
empty map.

Can someone please confirm whether --road-name-pois works on MkGMap
1652, so I can narrow the focus of my fault finding.

In the mean time I will, as soon as I get time, work backwards with the
versions to see if I get to one that works again. But if it is my error,
this will be in vain!

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