[2018-07-19 03:24] Philipp Takacs <phil...@bureaucracy.de>
> Ps: @markus your test fails on your nightly test, I don't know if this
> is a bug in your envirement or in mhl. I'll look at the weekend.

It ran fine interactively on the same machine. It fails when run
automatically at night.

The relevant part is the treatment of ``COLUMNS=2000 show ...''
(almost the last line of the test script). When the input/output
is *no* terminal, something seems to ignore the ``COLUMNS=2000''.
I'm just not sure if it's mmh code or behavior of the TERMLIB.

show(1) has no `-width' as mhl(1) has. And formatting the expected
output in this folded style is not trivial enough to write a
one-liner. At least I didn't find one. If you do, we can fix the
test at least by simply expecting different output.

I'm not sure how show/mhl should act concerning line lengths if
it isn't connected to a terminal.


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