[2018-07-19 10:02 +0200] markus schnalke <mei...@marmaro.de>
> [2018-07-19 03:24] Philipp Takacs <phil...@bureaucracy.de>
> > [2018-07-18 23:13] Vasilii Kolobkov <polezaivs...@ko5v.net>
> > > Yet two of them do fail, but that'd be another patch. The ali tests
> > > for the blind lists fail - it's the first time i came to know of
> > > this feature and frankly don't know if i'd want to work on fixing
> > > that. Does anybody use them?
> > 
> > If you talk about the test which fails on markus nightly tests[0],
> > it's a known bug, but down on the priority list. I don't know if
> > someone use this feature[1], but I would like to have this sane
> > implemented.
> My view is the same.

Noted, with a miniscule priority though :)

> > > The other broken part is second to last case in test/send/test-mimeify.
> > > The sizes reported for multipart/... types differ from expected
> > > values. I'll be looking further into it, but wonder if it's broken
> > > on your systems as well?
> > 
> > This also a known bug and behaves realy strange, because sometimes
> > the numbers differ. I have looked at this some time ago, but because
> > the mime implementation is realy complex I coldn't find it.
> These could have been my words as well. ;-)
> If one could track that down, that would be great.

You got me intrigued guys, but not scared. I'll give it a try -
heard a lot about how mime was notorious for complex code, but
haven't experienced that myself yet.

> > In general I like your patch, but I have some comments:
> > 
> > > p.s. i prefixed all the portable functions with p* so to not shadown
> > > the system ones just in case.
> Now that I thought about that, I wonder if we should name the
> compat functions in the shell scripts the same way as we name
> them in the C code: by prefixing them with ``mh''. But OTOH, these
> functions in the C code usually don't provide 1:1 functionality
> but rather slightly adjusted functionality. Still, the ``mh'' or
> ``mh_'' prefix shows quicker what's going on, IMO.
> Your oppinion on this?

Guess it makes some sense, at least as indicators of them being
workarounds for platform specific issues. And 'mh_' just greps
better )

Cheers, vasilii

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