
[2019-01-21 20:24] Dmitry Bogatov <kact...@debian.org>
> Thank you. Packaged and upload.

Great to hear! Thanks a lot.

> Please, consider following patches I
> maintain in Debian, you may wish to apply them upstream.
> 1. Spelling errors in manpages
> 2. Hyphen usage in manpage

We'll be pleased to apply those two.

> 3. Install manpages as show.1mh, not show.1 to avoid conflicts with
>    other programs.

Not sure about that one. It's mainly a distribution issue not so
much an upstream issue, I'd say. But tell me otherwise!

> 4. Currently, if LOCKTYPE=dot, ./configure script forces Makefile to
>    setgid installed `inc' binary. I patch it out, but you may want to
>    add option to /not/ use setgid. It is headache for two-stage
>    installation, used by most package managers (dpkg, rpm, ...)

AFAICS, if you use dotlocking and the mail spool directory is not
writable for all possible users, then inc(1) has to have setgid
or you would have no locking. Or am I wrong?

I recall that Debian has some kind of special libdotlocking or
such which needs to be used for mail spool locking by Policy,
IIRC. Does that solve the issue in a different way? IIRC you
cannot use other lock methods as the mail spool could be on an
NFS share, which only offers dotlocking. ... not sure about all
that. It's too far past when I dug into in the last time.

Questions: What's the situation exactly on Debian? Is this a
distribution-specific patch or does it fix a general issue?


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