On Tue, 2017-06-20 at 18:48 +0000, Jon Robson wrote:
> Yes sadly this is a known problem and relates to the fact we lazy
> load images. You can follow what we discussed and what our plans are
> going forward here:
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T162414 
> The short of it is:
> * There is no way to asynchronously load images when a print is
> detected
> * We filed a bug upstream against the HTML standard:
> https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2532#issuecomment-294021096
> * It looks like the only way to avoid this problem in the mean time
> is to provide a non-browser print button.
In case '[EPIC] Promote usage of "print->pdf" an article on mobile'[1]
isn't planned to be deployed sometime soon how about considering some
kind of temporary and helpful "quick fix"?

It could be something like filling the blank spaces of unloaded images
with some helpful text that act as links. The helpful text might be
something like, "Click here to see <unloaded> image", for example. The
user could be taken to taken to the location of the image file when he
taps the text. I'm suggesting this believing that it would be possible
to identify the unloaded images.

I guess this doesn't require much work and could be a "quick fix". This
is not required if [1] is being planned to be deployed "soon".

[1] : https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T163472

> > 2. Rendering links would be helpful but it seems to clutter up the
> > reading experience of printed articles which have a lot of links in
> > them (e.g. God). It would be better if some kind of alternative was
> > chosen to highlight links such that they don't distract the user
> > from
> > their main motive (reading).
> I'll defer to Nirzar on this one!
> > > Note they will only work if you are using the print function on
> > your
> > > phone... not if you are viewing the mobile site on desktop :)
> > >
> > 

Kaartic Sivaraam <kaarticsivaraam91...@gmail.com>

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