"Karl Guertin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If you don't figure out a solution, I'd add a class to each
> input/select that I'm looking to watch and do:
> connect(getElementsByTagAndClassName('input','changes'),'onchange',action())
> connect(getElementsByTagAndClassName('select','changes'),'onchange',action())

Would this be faster than connecting to each individual element?  I need that
because the individual approach caused troubles in the past when I had to
process 308 elements...  It hadn't even reached the 500 limit and is not far
by a safe limit from the standard situation (i.e. daily routine).


Cutting some samples out is not an options since the process is not linear and
I might cut half of the samples from one analysis in one page and half in
another what will generate process troubles (they're aiming an ISO
certification and this is part of the process already documented) later.

>From July up to now the client haven't started the testing phase on this area
(they had troubles with their demand and we had several things to test / fix
first...).  So this is why I can't say if it ever worked on IE or not...  

> Instead of sticking onclick= handlers on everything. It's not an ideal
> solution and you can special-case IE if you like and handle onchange
> at the window level for everything else.

If this isn't faster but works on IE without any warning dialog then I might
do that... 

> Just another reason webdevs hate IE...

Don't tell me...  

I'm starting a fund to buy bazookas and pay a visit to IE's JavaScript
developers.  The action plan is first coerce them to copy Firefox's
implementation and make an emergency release, then I'd blow everything there
at MS. :-P I hope that after this "confession" US authorities still allows me
entering the country. :-)  Pardon me for my black humor... ;-)

Be seeing you,
Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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