"Kevin Damm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It looks like more than just IE has a problem with the onchange event.
> According to quirksmode
> http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_compinfo.html#forms
> the onchange event is buggy for Safari and Opera as well, not being
> implemented for some form elements.  It may be that the event doesn't
> propogate to any parent elements or isn't signalled in the first
> place.

As I've posted in a later message, IE doesn't bubble the onchange event and it
only has it for INPUT type="text", SELECT and TEXTAREA.

I don't care about browsers that are not IE of Firefox.  They aren't
significative -- and are extremely rare, when used... -- inside the population
I am analyzing.

> An alternative event type seems to be "onblur" -- you could check the result
> of a change on a form element when the user moves to a different form
> element, but this would trigger even if the form element hasn't changed.

This was my previous implementation.  But I'll have to connect 500+ elements
sometimes.  The average will be from 100 to 200 elements, but sometimes I
might get "some" more.

This approach was to fix a problem that I had with MochiKit with that many
bindings...  The script to generate the table + the bindings was taking too
long to complete and then the user was prompted with a 'continue or abort'
dialog.  This can't happen.

> It seems, to get exactly what you want, you'll have to trap all relevant key
> and mouse events in the parent node, and use information about which node
> caused the event to decide how to handle it.

I am more concerned with when some input fields are left, so that I can update
some calculations.

This might be with a mouse click or just a tab press...  :-( 

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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