On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:21 AM Garfield Watkins
<garfield.watk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think what confused me is that without the ModemManager i.e. using just 
> cgact=1,1 to manually connect, i suddenly got an ip address assigned to the 
> network interface provided by the modem. I thought it was NetworkManager 
> running its dhcp client on that interface after getting a dhcp discover ? 
> from the modem ? (i'm not too sure about how dhcp goes about its business)
> Anyway i have now tried to use Network Manager to setup and connect but now 
> am getting the following message:
> modem-broadband[ttyUSB0]: failed to connect 'meig': Connection requested both 
> IPv4 and IPv6 but dual-stack addressing is unsupported by the modem.
> and disabling ipv6 I get:
>  failed to connect 'meig': Connection requested IPv4 but IPv4 is unsupported 
> by the modem.
> Any idea where to start debugging that ?

The "SupportedIpFamilies" property in the Modem interface is probably
being reported empty?


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