> who ever mentioned the emo-hardcore connection was right on. i find that
> 95% of the time emo kids are just like..reformed hardcore kids.

ok my friend who ironically (or not) uses your isp says that actually
hardcore IS punk but people think that hardcore is different cos it's
harder but it's actually just harder punk.  phew that's confusing.  it
makes sense, but i'm not sure how much time i'd invest in believing that.

 i find both emo and indie
> enthusiests to be obnoxious. some of the most snobby and fake people out
> there. 

don't forget 'grrrls.'  oh god if there's ever a time where i go back to
that kinda thing someone shoot me.  it wasn't that i was mean, but i don't
like wearing red lipstick and writing "slut" on my arm to prove a point i
don't believe in.  what sense does that make?  i guess in kathleen hanna's
world it might add up, but i still have yet to be clued in.  i go in #emo
sometimes on dalnet irc.  they're not all that terrible, and i have sops so
why not ;) but..it can be horrible.  it can be like going into the GAP only
it's like the EMO.  de ja vu.  haven't i talked about the gap before? 
think corky think.  hm.  oh well.
aahh i just realized something!  if emo is like hardcore and hardcore
pretty much is like punk..what's the need for hardcore?  haha or punk?! 
let's get rid of punk!  yeah!  they all dress the same anyhoo.

its much better when people dont label themselves as one thing or
> another...and its especially lame when people say that, that they dont
> want to label themselves, but they say it in a fake way to almost label
> themselves. anyway..i dont know what i am classified as..but i guess it
> would be just CHEAP. i wear cheap clothes. that is all

it's easy and only fair to classify people if they make themselves look one
certain way.  an obnoxious emo-ite (teehee, speaking of asking for it ;))
is only asking to be labeled 'emo' and an obnoxious indie-ite is only
asking to be labeled 'indie,' although i think that's a little hard...just
cos.  if someone isn't trying to show off so hard who they are on the
outside, i think they'd have much more of a lasting impact than someone who
shows off who they are by what everyone else like them is wearing.  i mean
band shirts and all that stuff is cool,  i think that's a good conversation
starter, but haha oh god spare me with the hairdye and obnoxious nose
piercings; the thick glasses; buttons; all the other trend crap.  there's
nothing cool about being friends with a a wannabe circus clown :P  haha oh
shit, or a vulcan as chris said.
- amy

"i wonder if you still have mine, running sometimes through your head.  i
think of your's every night, every night before i go to bed.  i've still
got these numbers..." mm eric metronome.

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