Just to second (or third, or fourth) the running theme...

Not having a dictionary in front of me right now, I might be wrong, but I 
believe "indie" is the abbreviation of "independant", meaning unsigned for 
the most part, but also indicating some kind of dissassociation from the 
mainstream. And the icky things about the mainstream are a herd mentality, 
lack of discriminatory abilities, and adherence to a style of 
dress/speach/living in order to feel more at home with a certain group of 
The "indie rock" image is just as bad as the Abercrombie and Fitch 
image...it just costs less, and requires more time and energy to bone up on 
the discographies of obscure bands local or otherwise.
I fell in love with Modest Mouse five years ago at a defunct firehouse aka 
adolescent hangout in Redmond, WA, for the simple reason that the music 
expressed every sentiment I have about suburbia, public schooling, rampant 
development, depression, etc...only more poetically than I think I could 
express it. For some reason that's far more important to me than whether or 
not I've got the Dickie's shoulder bag, short bangs and stylishly worn 
vintage jeans.
So, yeah...this is probably just the product of living in Olympia for too 
long now, but seriously, I think scenesters isolate themselves on 
purpose...because it's not as valuable once everyone else is into it. If I 
didn't think that fame and fortune made people assholes, I would like the 
whole world to listen to Modest Mouse...and I do mean *listen*, because 
low-slung pants and holey t-shirts or no, I think Mr. Brock has got one hell 
of a point to make, and he makes it very well.
Someday I'd like to sit down and have a conversation with Isaac Brock over a 
cup of coffee and a pack of cigarettes, and I hope to God he's not anything 
like the scores of dissaffected, bored, unwashed indie boys I meet again and 
again at shows. I hope he's the beautifully insightful, hesistantly 
intelligent, poignant yet down-to-earth man who's voice comes through my 
speakers every day, who just so happens to make a few records and scream 
into his guitar strings every so often.
Of course, that's just me.


>Subject: Re: [MMouse]: typical indie/emo looks
>Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:59:32 EST
>wow, i stray from email-dom and the list for awhile, and this is what we
>have.  shite.  the whole indie/emo/hardcore scene is such a disgusting
>fashion show.  im just now realizing it more.  i once thought that
>individuality had alot to do with this        so-called scene, but its the
>same as any other.  i was in a college town this past weekend, and i think
>the bars full of mindless, preppie, rich kids had more individuality than
>say, kids at a make up show.  ya know...they shop at abercrombie & fitch 
>jcrew because theyre everywhere, its easy to do so, without a second 
>they just dont know any better.  but it seems that people in the indie 
>go to great lengths to find the kind of clothes and style that helps them
>"fit in".  sure i know plenty of people on both sides of this coin, and 
>fine with me.  some of the most amazing people i know would be looked at
>strangely for showing up to a rocket from the crypt show with their 
>from the local mall.  sure, malls are disgusting but judging someone by 
>style of dress is more so.
>okay, somehow this has strayed, but basically the indie scene, and all the
>other little music scenes are all the same.  cliques are all the same.  and
>too many people try to get their style down, just to fit in somewhere.  it
>becomes obvious when youre trying too hard, especially when youre not
>confident, and when you really dont have an identity of your own.  right 
>im wearing grey new balances, dark blue carhart jeans, and a yankee tshirt 
>got at a thrift shop like 6 years ago.  oh yeah, and boxers from banana
>republic.  id like to know what music scene you think i fit into, and i bet
>you that youre dead fucking wrong.
>thank you all so much for reading my lil' rant.  its always fun.
>peace xo
>and i like this part too, more people should do it, the "now playing"
>np:  the jam : "sound affects"
>        ...and the already classic...
>        peanut butter wolf : "my vinyl weighs a ton"

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