> so i just read that someone on the list thinks that someone who drinks a
bit during their pregnancy will not hurt her unborn child.  Well, If I
may:if anyone has ever taught you that...they did you a great diservice. 
And if you have no knowledge on the subject...please let me inform you that
ANY amount of alcohol ingested during a pregnancy will damage your child in
some way.  This has been medically proven. (if you want details i can
provide) I am a medical student...hoping to become a pediatrician...and for
my future patients I felt it was necessary to write that. P.S. Both
drinking alcohol and smoking can do harm  I i hope that didnt sound
bithcy...it wasnt meant to ... it sux inflection cant come through on an

i was the one who said that, and i still stand by it since i've seen many
pregnant women drink a little wine while they're pregnant.  the children
that come out are bright and normal and they have no problems that i've
seen.  i really would like details that say ANY amount of alcohol ingested
during pregnancy will damage the child in some way.  i think i turned out
ok and i know for a fact that my mom got a little tipsy before she knew she
was pregnant with me.  now unless this would cause some kind of auto immune
problem (i tested positive for anti-nucleus antibodies or whatever the hell
it is about a week ago) you have not sold me.
- amy

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