Wow, color me giddy. Comments below.  

Anyways. MER, that wasnt a very nice letter, so you know what, 
go fuck yourself. 

<<Blunt, authorotative.  Usually a hard postion for a poet to pull off long
term, but it works here.>>
I lead a very nice life, <<I like the contrast.  It's got this symmetry that
just beams.>>
fuck.  I didn't mean that 
Modest Mouse was the purpose, I 
meant that music was.  
now all I read is shit    <<this is possibly the best line break I have ever
been witness to.>>
about hockey, and I fuckin hate hockey.  
See now, 

<<This is also perfect, big set up with a big finish.  It's all the feel of
a hollywood action thriller in three lines.>> 

it's people like you that make me 
hate the world I live in.   

<<I completely understand the emotion, I mean, does anyone else get the
feeling that America is this big joke started by a bunch of german art

My letter was not meant to 
be obnoxious, 
sorry if you were 
offended by my 
overall dislike 
for hockey, but fucking deal, 
and don't act like a three 
year old and begin 

dispertions.  <<this last section is kind of choppy, did you intend it to be
that way?  I thought there was a nice flow through the use of muffled
profanity w/ 50 cent words.  I kind of dug it.>>

I think if you put this through the ringer a few might be ready
for publication.

Call me a prophet if you want, its no secret.
Bleib Immer Locker.

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