Girlfriend, are you crazy?!  Led Zeppelin is responsible for the 
GOOD things we like now... whenever you hear a bowed 
instrument played in a rock song (Nirvana, Modest Mouse) you can 
thank Jimmy Page.  And also thank them for taking inspiration 
from non-Western music in making a lot of their music.. and for 
experimenting with keyboards and theremins in their rock...

A ton of great bands show open influence of Zep.. mainly the 
Flaming Lips and Soundgarden...Beastie Boys.. and others...

Anyways, blaming Zep for cock rock is like blaming Jaws for 
Twister and Volcano or Pyscho for the Hand that Rocks the Cradle. 
 One thing might have led to the other, but don't blame the originals 
for what came after!

Also while many of their songs were about sex and booze, their 
lyrics were nothing like the cock-rockers were.   If I had to point 
fingers I would point at AC/DC, God Bless 'Em.   Songs like Big 
Balls led the way for a whole new breed of suck, like the Crue, and 
Ratt, who I loved btw.   I don't know how you could listen to songs 
like Kashmir, or In The Light, Traveling River Side Blues.. and even 
THINK of Cock Rock!!

Now I'm just ranting - Zep might have been the most talented band 
ever - Unlike bands today where one member carries the rest of the 
band for the most part IE Nirvana, Modest Mouse, Pavement (my 
favorite bands) they were a balanced attack.  I guess it didn't hurt 
they sold their souls to the Devil.

I can perhaps concede that Zep changed music and less talented 
imitators might have filled the gap that Zep left between themselves 
and the rest of music..  but I can't see anyone saying nothing good 
came from Zeppelin...  the same argument could apply to Nirvana.. 
it's only because of Nirvana I had to put up with the likes of Bush 
and STP.. but it's also because of Nirvana we got a lot of good 

So hate tha game, but don't hate tha playa's.

p.s. I think I'm too old for brite eyes too.  

As for 80's music, it did kind of suck.. and I grew up with it.. sure.. 
I loved Michael Jackson and Duran Duran but there are not a lot of 
bands who I see as leaving a permanent mark on music that came 
from the 80's.. maybe the Talking Heads.. but a lot of their stuff 
doesn't hold up that well now even.. I'll always remember it for the 
hip-hop that came out of the mid-late 80's.. RUN DMC, Public 
Enemy, Beastie Boys, Eric B. and Rakim, EPMD, NWA, Grand 
Master Flash, LL, and on and on.. I pretty much got out listening to 
rock for many years because hip hop was so good then and rock 
wasn't, or at least the rock I had access to.

> i was pretty obviously talking about the correlation between led zeppelin
> and the corporate rock (ie cockrock) of the 80s...there was nothing good
> that came out of led zeppelin, that's the point i was trying to prove.
> it's true, nothing good came out of led zeppelin ;)
> - amy

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