> but i s'pose it's all relative.  and i have to say, one of the first that
> "celebs" i ran into was owen wilson, post-bottle rocket, when anaconda
> the only crappy film he had been in to date.  minor to most, but i was
> excited. 

i saw "bottle rocket" about a month and a half ago.  it was...strange.  i'm
not sure what i think of the movie itself to this day.  i know that it's no
"rushmore" by any means, but that i love the characters.  dignan(sp?) was
one of the most brilliant characters from a movie that i've ever seen, and
the fact that the two friends looked so much alike but were only friends
cracked me up.  there's like little to no difference between them
physically, at all.  the only way i'd be able to tell them apart was by
their hair.  i wonder if they did that as a joke or if they actually think
they look different from each other.  does anyone know if they're twins
(luke and owen) or just brothers?
- amy

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