Gerald Richter wrote:

>>   - the package handles links so we have no problem linking to e.g.
> ok, so we have the possibility to use content that is not part of the docset


>>   - embperl site, I suppose it can be folded into the docset, if Gerald
>>doesn't mind.
> For the Embperl site I have slightly different plans. There is a redesign
> already on the road for a couple of time, I just didn't have the time to
> finish and upload it. I have followed the discussion about the docset thing.
> I like your docset idea, but I have also own ideas which build on the new
> features of Embperl (namly XML & XSLT) Hopefully your docset tool is modular
> enough that TT is only used for rendering, so it would be maybe possible to
> plug Embperl, instead of TT ? (of course it doesn't would look nice if the
> Embperl website says "powered by TemplateToolkit :-)
> so for now we maybe can simply keep the modperl-site cvs and use it only for
> Embperl (and maybe the dist dir).

Well, the code is quite crude yet, and it's hard to modularize before 
you know what to plan for, but yes the rendering engine is a separate 
thing. So after generalizing it and making it pluggable it should be 
possible to use other rendering modules.

Say, do you plan on static output from Embperl or only dynamic for 
embperl docs? It doesn't make much sense to serve static content 
dynamically, resource wise of course.

BTW, what's the source format that you use for embperl? may be it can 
just plug into the docset system, and then we can keep it under the same 

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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