> > We run a large web site (about 90-120 million page view a month) and it is
> > all asp.  We also have antoher web site with about 10 million page view a
> > month running mod perl.  I am looking for anyone else who is running a large
> > site (> than 75 million page views a month) that are using Mod perl.  Both
> > sites are almost entirely dynamic.
> >
> > I would like to know the number of db and Web servers people are using and
> > what kind they are (Compaq, Dell, Sun, etc).
> >
> > We are trying to convice everyone to convert the big site over to a mod perl
> > environment but we need some extra numbers of people who also are doing
> > large-scale sites.
> Check out slashdot: <URL: http://slashdot.org> which serves up about half a
> million hits a day (all dynamic) from a single dual xeon box running
> mod_perl.

What database is this running?  Does anyone know?  We are looking to run Oracle 8i
on a Sun box with Solaris.  Our biggest hit has been on the database side.  I
think our mod perl side can take it, but are there special ways we could configure
it to interact better with a database server, etc?

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