Hi. I realise this is getting off-topic, so I suppose replies should go
direct to me unless they'll interest the list.

I work on a site that makes use of mod_perl, Apache and MySQL. We are
currently toying around with our server set-up, trying to spread the
load across multiple machines. For web-serving, this is fairly simple,
but we're concerned about our MySQL server. Currently, different apps
sit on different boxes, each with its own MySQL. However, for ease of
upgrading, we're thinking of moving all MySQL databases to dedicated

On  7 Oct, Pascal Eeftinck wrote:

>  MySQL is quick, it's by far the fastest you can get at most operations. On the
>  other hand, you can't easily spread the load over multiple servers

This is our current concern. Is the single machine a good way to go? If
one app takes down MySQL (which unfortunately does happen once in a
while) then all apps lose their database. But if the machine gets
bogged down, we can throw more ram/disk space at it. Is it possible to
run MySQL across multiple servers? Should we be looking at a solution
with multiple database servers instead of one machine? At the
hardware level, this would be more reliable, but at the script level,
we'd have to keep track of multiple machines, and being a lazy perl
monkey, I want all my scripts to talk to the database in an identical

Basically, what I'm after is a few words of advice :)
Perhaps I should take this to a MySQL mailing list, but given the
frequency of the word "MySQL" on this list I thought I'd chance my arm.

Thanks in advance.
Austin Plunkett - perl monkey

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