> Hello, mod_perloids.
> I'm having a gutfull of trouble sending mail under mod_perl. I'm doing
> it by the books, to wit, the cookbook and the bigbirdie book, under rh
> linux 5.2.
> the code is
>      warn ("MAIL: Opening sendmail... path is \"".$sendmailpath."\"");
>      open (SENDMAIL, $sendmailpath) || warn ("MAIL: Cannot open sendmail
> at \"".$sendmailpath."\"");
>      print SENDMAIL ( "From: Eidos Web Password Assistant
> <passwordhelp\@".$dbh->{r}->server->server_hostname.">\n".
>         "To: You <".$dbh->{param}->{csemail}.">\n".
>         "Subject:
> ".$EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordsubject}."\n\n".
>         $EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordtext1}.
>         $result[1].
>         $EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordtext2}.
>         ($dbh->{r}->server->server_hostname).($dbh->{r}->uri()).
>         $EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordtext3}.
>         "\n.\n");
>      warn ("MAIL: Mail Sent okay!");
>      close (SENDMAIL);
> I ditched the fail-result tests in desperation. :)
> It tells me the mail has been sent okay (even when the failiure tests
> were in place) but nothing. Not in the outgoing or incoming mail spools.
> I tested this code as a vanilla cgi script, and it worked fine. I have
> *no* idea why it won't work under mod_perl.
> Anyone else had similar problems (or solutions :), 
> or should I Just Shut Up?

Hmmm, a funny way to ask questions... let me try too: Should we answer the
question or Just Shut Up? :) 

Anyway, how do you know it's a mod_perl problem? How do you know it has
something to do with mail? Oh, yeah the mail has never reached the
destination... Did you try to print out what you send instead of piping it
to sendmail? Check that the generated headers are correct ones...

Other than that, why not to use Net::SMTP, which verifies each command and
you can arrange your code to die or warn on failure to send some field,
since it talks directly to the smtp server... take a look at the simple
send_mail() implemented that way (BTW, it's much faster and lighter than
sendmail, but this is off-topic...)

Hope this helps...

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheaven    http://www.singlesheaven.com

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