
I had huge problems yesterday.  Our web site made it in to the Sunday
Times and has had to serve 1/2 million request in the last 2 days.

Had I set it up to have proxy servers and a separate mod_perl server?
No.  DOH!  So what happened to my 1Gig baby? It died. A sad and unhappy

I am in the process of fixing that, but if anybody could help with this
question, it'd be appreciated.

I am running Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, Linux 2.2.11, mysql

What happened was this:  My memory usage went up and up until I got "Out
of memory" messages MySQL bailed out.  Memory usage was high, and the
server was swapping as well.  

So I thought - restart MySQL and restart Apache.  But I couldn't reclaim
memory.  It was just unavailable.  How do you reclaim memory other than
by stopping the processes or powering down?  Is this something that
might have happened because it went past the Out of Memory stage?



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