Why is it that my memory usage is going up and up, and shutting down the two
major consumers of memory (Apache/mod_perl and MySQL) don't reclaim that

I am running RedHat 6, with Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, and MySQL 3.23a.

I restarted my web server a week ago, at which stage the running program
were consuming about 200 meg of the available 1 Gig.

I have stopped and started (not -HUP) Apache/mod_perl a few times this week,
and stopped and started mysql a few times.

Now my system is using 600 meg for the same processes, that is AFTER the
buffers and cache have been removed.

Current memory usage :
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        971648     940672      30976     102836     199800     149288
-/+ buffers/cache:     591584     380064
Swap:       136512       1592     134920

Any ideas how I can reclaim this vanished memory without rebooting the



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