Thanks Greg

> I strongly suggest you move the images to a separate hostname
> altogether. The
> proxy is a good idea but there are other useful effects of
> having a separate
> server altogether that I plan to write about in a separate
> message sometime.
> This does mean rewriting all your img tags though.

Look forward to that with interest

> Have you rebooted yet? Linux has some problems recovering
> when you run out of
> memory really badly. I haven't tried debugging but our mail
> exchangers have
> done some extremely wonky things once they ran out of memory even once
> everything had returned to normal. Once non-root users
> couldn't fork, they
> just got "Resource unavailable" but root was fine and memory
> usage was low.

I have rebooted.  Eventually what happened was that my ethernet driver
stopped working - gave some error message about trying to restart transition
zone (I think?  I wasn't actually there - I had to get others to pull the
plug to power down)
> > First, what you had to do in first place, is to set MaxClients to
> > such a number, that when you take the worst case of the
> process growing to
> > X size in memory, your machine wouldn't swap. Which will
> probably return
> > an Error to some of the users, when processes would be able
> to queue all
> > the requests, but it would never keep your machine down!


> I claim MaxClients should only be large enough to force 100%
> cpu usage whether
> from your database or the perl script. There's no benefit to
> having more
> processes running if they're just context switching and
> splitting the same
> resources finer. Better to queue the users in the listen queue.

I have two PIII 500's, so CPU usage is no problem.  Amazingly, it's the 1Gig
of memory which expires first.

> On that note you might want to set the BackLog parameter (I
> forget the precise
> name), it depends on whether you want users to wait
> indefinitely or just get
> an error.
Sounds like the route to go.  I'm also busy implementing the  proxy erver

Thanks a lot Greg


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