On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Ian Mahuron wrote:
> As per someone's suggestion I'll ellaborate on what's in the HTML...
> Insert code for advertisment (there's 1,000's of different ads on the
> site.):
> Insert news scroller:
> <NEWS_ITEM id=92834 bgcolor="#0066FF">
> There will be at least 50 similar tags.. so I'm not parsing for just a
> couple of tags like HTML::Template..
> I may implement IF/LOOPS/etc.. but not until I see the need.

As others have suggested, standardise on an alternate tag format. At the
BBC we did something like this and used double angle brackets for our own



etc. Then just use a regexp that looks for while(/<<.*?>>/sg). This is
extremely quick. Then go 1 better. Cache the results into a parse tree and
only re-parse when the source changes. Same principal as Apache::Registry
only in template format. I assume it's the same principal as Apache::ASP
and Embperl, but I haven't dug into their source code.


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