Am I the only battling service vendor who actually feels good when
somebody bookmarks my website ?
I can absorb the overhead of accesses to a favorites icon.
This may be a security hazard for the client, but I detect a
holier-than-thou attitude here against M$.
Will somebody tell me why this M$ initiative is bad, other than for
pre-determined prejudices ?
Rod Butcher 

Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, Joe Pearson wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Maybe everyone already knows this, but I just discovered that
> > whenever a IE5 user visits a page in their "Favorites", IE5 also trys
> > to GET favicon.ico from the same site.  Therefor I have hundreds of
> > "File does not exist:"  errors in my log file.
> Apparently you can BSOD a winbox with a buffer overflow in a .ico file,
> although I don't know where the exploit is listed on the net (distant
> memory). Maybe that would stop this dumb practice. :)
> (I _am_ just kidding).
> --
> <Matt/>
> Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
> Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
> Web Sites:
> Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Rod Butcher                 | "... I gaze at the beauty of the world,
Hyena Holdings Internet     | its wonders and its miracles and out of
      Programming           | sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.
("it's us or the vultures") | And then the people of the jungle say,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | 'It is but the laughter of a hyena'".
                            |    Kahlil Gibran..  The Wanderer

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