Because it's not transparent.  You either have to put up with bogus junk in
your log files or provide what they decided to implement on their own.  All
of the various internet standards committees weren't formed for nothing.  I
was thinking this over yesterday and I can see some value in the "feature"
for commercial for profit sites but I run an intranet site and for me they
server no purpose but to create headaches I didn't ask for, not that
Netscape is any better mind you.  It sure would be nice if you never even
had to care what browser was being used.  If they all followed the standards
and made any additions optional and off by default it would make things a
lot easier.  Ok, sorry, I'm running on ...

I'm pretty sure this is getting further and further off topic.  We all know
how to do redirects if that's what we want and there is plenty of info about
this on the net if someone wants to read how to implement it the M$ way.

> ----------
> From:         Rod Butcher[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Tuesday, November 23, 1999 4:20 AM
> Subject:      Re: Another IE5 complaint
> Am I the only battling service vendor who actually feels good when
> somebody bookmarks my website ?
> I can absorb the overhead of accesses to a favorites icon.
> This may be a security hazard for the client, but I detect a
> holier-than-thou attitude here against M$.
> Will somebody tell me why this M$ initiative is bad, other than for
> pre-determined prejudices ?
> Rgds
> Rod Butcher 
> Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, Joe Pearson wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > Maybe everyone already knows this, but I just discovered that
> > > whenever a IE5 user visits a page in their "Favorites", IE5 also trys
> > > to GET favicon.ico from the same site.  Therefor I have hundreds of
> > > "File does not exist:"  errors in my log file.
> > 
> > Apparently you can BSOD a winbox with a buffer overflow in a .ico file,
> > although I don't know where the exploit is listed on the net (distant
> > memory). Maybe that would stop this dumb practice. :)
> > 
> > (I _am_ just kidding).
> > 
> > --
> > <Matt/>
> > 
> > Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
> > Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
> > Web Sites:
> > Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.
> -- 
> Rod Butcher                 | "... I gaze at the beauty of the world,
> Hyena Holdings Internet     | its wonders and its miracles and out of
>       Programming           | sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.
> ("it's us or the vultures") | And then the people of the jungle say,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | 'It is but the laughter of a hyena'".
>                             |    Kahlil Gibran..  The Wanderer

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