> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rod Butcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 November 1999 10:20
> Subject: Re: Another IE5 complaint
> Am I the only battling service vendor who actually feels good when
> somebody bookmarks my website ?
> I can absorb the overhead of accesses to a favorites icon.
> This may be a security hazard for the client, but I detect a
> holier-than-thou attitude here against M$.
> Will somebody tell me why this M$ initiative is bad, other than for
> pre-determined prejudices ?
> Rgds
> Rod Butcher 

Speaking as someone who works for an ISP, anything that obscures (by volume)
genuine errors is a Bad Thing. The error log is a useful diagnostic tool
only if you can see the errors. Yes, you could filter out the requests
before examining the file, but the point is MS is making more work for
people by being thoughtless.

Further reasons it's a bad idea
        * It's not standard
        * It's a specific solution to a general problem, and therefore
fragile (i.e. it breaks too easily)
        * It's a quick hack rather than a genuine initiative (which would
take effort)

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