At 07:57 PM 11/30/99 -0800, Joshua Chamas wrote:
>The global.asa will be found in Global, which you defined
>to be /tmp/asp.  If you want the ./site/eg stuff to work, you need
>to copy over its .htaccess file, or set your Global to .
>for starters.
>For more info, check out perldoc Apache::ASP
>-- Joshua

Ok, I the .htaccess file has been there all along.

I even recopied it with the command
(cd /usr/src/Apache-ASP-0.16/site/eg; tar cf - .) | tar -xvf -

<-------- Yeah I Figured it out --------->

 From the Readme

 >Here is a Location directive that you might put in a *.conf Apache
 >configuration file. Set the optional ones if you want, the defaults are
 >fine. The settings are documented below.
 >    # Generic apache directives to make asp start ticking.
 >    <Location /asp/>
 >       SetHandler perl-script
 >       PerlHandler Apache::ASP
 >       PerlSetVar Global /tmp
 >    </Location>

When I commented out the > # PerlSetVar Global /tmp

I it worked.

I though .htaccess overrode settings in the srm.conf

N. Blaine Morgan      Given God and time nothing is impossible

-=> Imagination is more important than knowledge.  -Albert Einstein <=- 

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