On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Wed, 01 Dec 1999, Andy Wardley wrote:
> > >Are there any freeware content management systems kinda Zope or simpler on
> > >Perl ?
> > 
> > There are two in development that I know about, Iaijutsu and Istore:
> > 
> >   http://www.ninjacode.com/iaijutsu
> >   http://www.employees.org/~hdumcke/IStore/IStore-0.02.tar.gz
> > 
> > We've been having some discussion on the templates list about how best to
> > combine the various efforts into one coherent application server suite.
> > There's quite some way to go until we have a "finished product", but the ball
> > is rolling and things are looking encouraging so far.
> It's interesting to see such projects going on (especially since I was/am
> working on one myself too). I'm currently working with a
> product called "Mediasurface" - some people may have heard of it.
> Unfortunately it just does some things all wrong, so I'm kinda working on
> something like that - but doing everything right :)
> Anyone think choice is a bad thing and I should work with the other
> projects?

We are working on one too! ;)

Anyway, choice is a good thing. At least with regards to this. There are
so many ways to skin the cat. I think the best methods will eventually be
shown out, but for now, it's better to do and then see who has the best
bits of what rather than designing something entirely by committee.

In my case, we are not interested in content management, we are interested
in automating common web design patterns we have run into for years with
out web site... So a different/yet similar goal. 

Our goal is closer to SmartWorker except that SW seems highly geared
towards abstrcting a UI language whereas our focus is on functional design
patterns and leaving the UI abstraction alone.

Also our goal is forward compatibility with Java Servlets as much as
possible since we code in both off and on and it's useful for us to share

I guess it depends on what you want to do.


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