----- Original Message -----
From: Gerald Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 5:41 AM
Subject: RE: EmbPerl use HTML::Embperl failed

> >
> > "nmake test" did (and does) not work correct !!!
> First nmake test must run correct, then I guess we have the reason, why
> offline mode doesn't work
> Embperl is linked against the
> c:\apache\apache_1.3.9\src\CoreR\ApacheCore.dll and I guess the
> ApacheCore.dll in c:\apache and c:\apache\apache_1.3.9\src\CoreR are not
> same. Is this possible? As you see from the path nmake test adds the
> location where it "thinks" ApacheCore.dll could be found to the end of the
> path, but because c:\apche is in your path, this one will be found first.
Right !!! The ApacheCore.dll in c:\apache was different ( I don't know why -
possibly from the previous installed binary distribution). I deleted
c:\Apache from
path and it worked - on NT. Same procedure on Win95 did not success (but
is not really relevant ...) - I was warned not to compile Perl+Apache+... on

Is it possible to copy the whole "Apache"-tree generated on NT onto my
machine expecting to work ( Apache+Perl path names are identical ) ?

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