----- Original Message -----
From: John D Groenveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rolf Ohnmacht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: Win32+PerlModule works !!!

> Have you been able to install it as a NT Service? I can only run
> 1.3.9/1.2.21 from the command line. 1.3.6/1.2.21 are working fine.
> :( I hate NT.
> John
No, because on the Apache installation guide it was described that one
should have a special "install shield" tool to get the NT Service to work.
But I start Apache from a simple command shell and I like it much more
than do some "clicky-clicky" to get into the services folder and do other
clicks to stop/start/restart the server. Using command-lines it's only Ctr-C
and DblClick!
This is one of many reasons I like Apache: I spent some time with IIS and
ASP and hated IIS because of its overdimensionaled graphical interface.
Then I went to Apache and found that the whole thing can be done within
one editable config file - http.conf ...
Why do you wish to have the Apache as NT Service to run? If you have
good arguments, let me know!


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