>       I've been trying to store a hash in a session variable, using
> code like that appended below.  Call me a doofus, but I can't
> seem to get it to work.  Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

You have to store a reference to the hash, ie

$Session->{Stuff} = \%stuff;
$Session->{Stuff} = %stuff;
>                                       Thanks,
>                                       Bryan
> Example follows:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <html>
> <body>
> <pre>
> <%
> %stuff = ( a => '1', b => '2', c => '3' );
> $Session->{Stuff} = %stuff;
> $Response->Write ( "Results --\n" );
> for $i (keys %{$Session->{Stuff}} ) {
>         $Response->Write ( "$i: $Session->{Stuff}{$i}\n" );
> }
> %>
> </pre>
> </body>
> </html>
> -- 
> Bryan Wright                |"If you take cranberries and stew them like 
> Physics Department          | applesauce, they taste much more like prunes 
> University of Virginia      | than rhubarb does."  --  Groucho 
> Charlottesville, VA  22901  |                 
> (804) 924-7218              |         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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