> Er, I beg to differ. \%hash returns a reference to that hash -
> see the top of p.246 of the camel book, 2nd ed.
> The {} operators are for creating *anonymous* hashes.

I stand corrected. I was thinking of \($a, $b, $c).  I always thought
\@array and \%hash worked the same way, so I never used them.


%hash = (a => '1', b => '2', c => '3');
@array = qw(a b c);

@array_ref = \@array;  # returns ref to array
@hash_ref = \%hash;    # returns ref to hash
@list_ref = \(@array); # returns ref for each element

  local $, = ', ';
  local $\ = "\n";
  print(@array_ref);   # prints: ARRAY(0x655b78)
  print(@hash_ref);    # prints: HASH(0x655af4)
  print(@list_ref);    # prints:
                  # SCALAR(0x6559bc), SCALAR(0x6559d4), SCALAR(0x6559ec)

Eric L. Brine  |  Chicken: The egg's way of making more eggs.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do you always hit the nail on the thumb?
ICQ# 4629314   |  An optimist thinks thorn bushes have roses.

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